27 September 2014

Hike for October 1

Hello Walkers,

Daniel Perot will lead our first October walk in one of the loveliest spots to
the east of Paris in the valley of the Grand Morin. We've had fabulous weather and walks in September. 
October will be even lovelier with the arrival of autumn colours. Notice in Daniel's information below that 
there is a train change at Esbly, but it istotally easy as the departure of the Crecy train is synchronised with the one from Gare de L'Est.>
Here is Daniel's information.
> On Wednesday October, 1st, our walk will start at Crécy-la-Chapelle,
> *la Venise briarde,*. e.g. the region "la Brie", its river "le Grand
Morin" and lovely brooks.
>   * We will go, by train, from Gare-de-l'Est, in Paris, to the station of
> Crécy-la-Chapelle/Crécy-en-Brie. (Zone 5)
   1. DépartureGare-de-l'Est  9:31. Direction: Meaux (train MICI).
Arrival: Esbly 10:02.
>    2. At Esbly, transfer to Crécy-la-Chapelle/Crécy-en-Brie 10:10. Arrival : 10:18.
Return from the same station.
14:37 arriving at 15:28.
15:37 arriving at 16:28.
We will cover 12 kilometers/3 hours or more (?). Change in altitude: 49 m/130 m.
Remember to bring along water and some lunch... and sunny automnal gear.
We will walk through fields, woods and rivers (only one hill).
Sure, you are ready for a lovely walk.
09 50 56 65 26
Mobile (only the day of the walk)  06 51 22 35 16.

20 September 2014

Hike for September 24

Pour ce mercredi, Krystyna propose une rando dans la Vallée de Chevreuse, de la Verrière à Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, environ 20 km.

Le parcours est un peu sportif de par ses montées et descentes, dont certaines ont les pentes donnent jusqu'à des dénivelées 150 m.

Nous passerons près de l'Abbaye de Port-Royal-des-Champs,
du château de la Madeleine, et sur le chemin de Jean Racine.
Départ de la gare Paris-Montparnasse
à 08:54 en train "REPU" direction Rambouillet.
Arrivée à la gare de la Verrière à 09:37.

Retour se fera de la gare Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse
en RER B, 4 trains par heure.

Je vous joindrai à la gare de Versailles-Chantiers, dans le dernier wagon, comme d'habitude.

N'oubliez pas votre picnic et protection contre le soleil et la pluie. 

Chaque marcheur doit avoir son propre assurance (accident et responsibilite civile). 

06 03 53 41 66

14 September 2014

hike for September 17

This Wednesday, Laurence will lead us, by popular demand, in the Foret de Montmorency. Let's hope that we are treated to great September weather. In any case, come prepared for sun and rain. Here is her info.

Remember, for all our walks you need to have personal accident and liability insurance.

Hike for September 17 - Forêt de Montmorency-Ecouen

The hike will start from Taverny, about 14 or 16k. When we arrive in Ecouen at the end of the hike, you can walk straight to the train station or, if you wish, walk a little longer in the Forêt d’Ecouen to the Musée de la Renaissance and Saint Acceul church (16th c stained glass windows) nearby and back to the station through the woods. (If you’d like to stay to visit the museum: open until 5:45pm) Their website: http://www.musee-renaissance.fr

The forest of Montmorency is very nice but it has suffered some damage from storms, there is quite a bit of fallen trees and branches. You'll have to watch your step at times. There will be a climb at the start up to the church and cemetery in Taverny and several ups & downs in the forest. Plan to wear good footwear in case there is some mud.
Provided the weather is nice, after lunch we could stop at a restaurant nearby, about 1k away, for a cup of coffee on the terrasse. To do that, we will have to maintain a good pace. Le Jardin in Domont: http://www.restaurantlejardin.fr/visite-du-restaurant.htm

-Take train POVA from Gare du Nord direction Persan Beaumont at 9.00 arriving in Taverny at 9.31, Zone 4.
I will meet you at Gare du Nord, we will sit in the last car as usual. 

Watch out: two trains may be attached in which case you may have to walk to the middle of the platform to sit in the last car of the first train, which stops in Taverny, look at the screens.

-Return trains from Ecouen-Ezanville every 15/20 minutes; 20-25min to Paris.
Tickets 4.20€ each way.

See you there!


05 September 2014

September 10 Hike

Dear Hikers,

Daniel Robinot, safely home from his trek in Nepal, will lead us next Wednesday on slightly flatter terrain, from Juziers to Mantes la Jolie in the Vexin. This will be a relatively long hike for idfwalkers, 23 km with 450 meters of altitude change. Some of the paths are muddy (are you surprised after this lovely summer?) so you will need hiking shoes and walking sticks might be helpful. You will need a picnic lunch and plenty of water as there it will not be possible to find any during the hike. Depending on the weather and the energy of the hikers, there is a possibility of shortening the itinerary by a few kilometres. 

Here is Daniel's information in more detail.

Après les vacances vous devez être en pleine forme, aussi je vous propose une longue randonnée dans le Vexin qui nous mènera de Juziers à Mantes la Jolie. 
Après les bois, la campagne avec la traversée des petits villages de Fontenay Saint Père et Follainville puis retour vers Mantes la Jolie en suivant les bords de Seine.
23 km minimum et 450 m de dénivelée sur des sentiers parfois boueux après le bel été que nous avons connu, aussi prévoir de bonnes chaussures, des bâtons de marche et de l'eau en quantité suffisante car il n'y a pas de possibilité d'en trouver sur le parcours.
Selon la météo et la forme, il y a une possibilité de raccourcir la randonnée de quelques kilomètres si besoin.
Et comme d'habitude, picnic, vêtements adaptés et bonne humeur !

Trajet : Départ de Paris Saint Lazare à 8h43, arrivée à Juziers à 9h43 (pas de trains directs)
             Attention à bien prendre la ligne Mantes via Conflans (et non pas Mantes via Poissy) !  Attention, make sure that you take your train on the line that goes to Mantes via Conflans and not via Poissy.

             Retour de Mantes la Jolie pour Paris St Lazare, trains directs à "08" toutes les heures (15h08, 16h08, ...)

Je vous retrouverai devant la gare de Juziers. J'arriverai par un train à 9h 39, merci de patienter si j'ai un peu de retard.
Daniel will meet us in front of the station in Juziers at 9:43. His train from Mantes (where he lives) should arrive at 9:39, so normally he should be waiting for us when we arrive.A bientôt.


L'homme sage est celui qui connait ses limites.