17 January 2015

Two hikes for January 21

On Jan. 21 we have two options, an 18 km hike with Francois Bechet in the Oise department, north of Paris, from Viarmes to Orry-la-Ville, and a three hour hike with Martina in the Parc de St. Cloud and along the Seine. 

Here is Francois' information. 

Nous irons de la gare de Viarmes à celle de Orry-la-ville Coye à travers bois et champs. La distance est d’environ 18 Kms. Le trajet comporte peu de déclivités sauf dans les derniers Kms qui peuvent être évités par un raccourci. Il risque d’y avoir des passages boueux.

Aller:  prendre à la Gare du Nord le train pour Viarmes (direction Luzarches) à 8h55,arrivée à 9h33.
Retour: par Orry-la-ville où il y a un train tous les quarts d’heure.

Orry-la-Ville étant situé hors de la région Ile de France il n’est possible d’acheter de mobilis.

Since Orry la Ville is situated outside the region of Il de France, it will be impossible to use a Mobilis ticket.

Bring the usual picnic lunch and remember warm clothes and waterproof shoes. There might be MUD! The terrain is relatively flat except for the last few kms.

See you on Wednesday!


Here is Martina's information:

Hello walkers and Happy New Year - despite ….
If you are up for a ‘short’ walk of three hours, then please come on 

Wednesday January 21 to the end station of Metro 10 in Boulogne-Pont de St. Cloud. 

Take the exit to the left going back from the last Metro car.  On the street level at the Brasserie Jean-Baptiste I will wait for you from 9.45 on to start walking at 10.00.
We will pass through the park de St. Cloud (somewhat changed from the picture above) and then continue on the side of Issy-les-Moulineaux until we reach the Metro station Javel Andre Citroen at 13.00.

As always, dress appropriately, wear good walking shoes and have water to drink.
Not necessary to let me know, just come in time when we start our ‘hike’. 

Stay well, ‘keep calm and carry/walk on’

Martina David-Ault 

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