16 May 2015

May 20 Hike

Dear Fellow Walkers,

This week we will follow Judy over hill and dale to taste the pleasures of the merry month of May in and around the Valley of the Mauldre (upstream from our walk two weeks ago). Here is Judy's information.

This week's offering is a 19.5 km walk in the Yvelines, from Mareil-sur-Mauldre to Plaisir Grignon with 3 noteworthy hills (up and down ) and several smaller undulations . We will pass several pretty villages, cross the Mauldre a couple of times, once at a lavoir, and then traverse the Forest of Beynes where we will picnic by the Grand Table . This has inscriptions on it with directions used by the king and others when they were out hunting; however they would be disappointed if they saw it now as it is surrounded by red and white tape and some gas works are going on . In fact it is not a pretty sight ! But there are tables and chairs so it is too good an opportunity to pass up . 

We will also pass a memorial known as the "Prise aux Anglais " which with my natural British arrogance and lack of knowledge of the French language I assumed meant that we (the British ) had made mincemeat of the French. However , it was not so; the brave men of Beynes soundly beat the entire British army (or at least some of it) . 

Another very interesting feature of this walk is that we will pass the Vignoble de Beynes . Ask Lee to tell you the story of how it came into being . Lee's husband Daniel is part of the group who are working hard on this project. 

There would be an option to bail out on this walk but consider it carefully as the return train service is much less frequent than from Plaisir Grignon . The pain of walking a few extra km might be worth the gain ! Up to you . The parting of the ways comes after 14.5 km and you would have to walk an extra km or so unguided but I would provide you with a map and it is fairly straightforward .
Wear clothing and footwear appropriate to the weather and the conditions underfoot . Bring lunch and plenty of water. 

I will  join the train at Plaisir Grignon.

I am sorry about the early start but the next train means a very late start and therefore a very late finish
Take train MEPU direction Mantes la Jolie from Montparnasse at 8.39 as far as Mareil sur Mauldre arriving at 9.31

The return trains from Plaisir Grignon are at random intervals ! Worst case scenario is a half hour wait and a journey time of 45 minutes but sometimes the trains are more frequent and quicker . I imagine we will finish between 3.00 and 3.30 

If you choose to bail out the trains from Villiers St Frederic are hourly at 29 minutes past each hour and the journey time is 33 minutes

All these stations are in zone 5.

See you Wednesday.


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