02 July 2016


Dear walkers,

find  the information for Wednesday's walk below.

But, first, make a note that next week, for Bastille Day, Cecilia will offer an outing to Auvers sur Oise for those of us who would like to partake in the celebrating, on Thursday 14 July. Details to come with next week's walk description.



In the Parc du Morbras  *  Along the river, la Marne  *  In the Bois de Vincennes.

I will lead you from Sucy-Bonneuil (RER A) to Vincennes (RER A station or métro station).
The route and its numerous bailouts/exits are:
Exit         6 km.  --  La Varenne-Chennevières. There we will have our lunch/picnic.
Exit  9.5/10 km. --  Champigny (alongside la Marne).
Exit 14.5/15 km. --  Joinville (alongside la Marne).
About 19/20 km to Vincennes station. 
* The end of each stage is close to a RER A station.
Get there -- Take RER A, at the head of the train (direction
Boissy-Saint-Léger) and get off the train at SUCY-BONNEUIL, 
last but one station arriving at 9:47 am.
Exit -- Place de la gare, by a flight of stairs or a lift that descends
then a second one that goes up to reach the ground floor (!).
I'll wait for you outside 
*Train leaves Charles-de-Gaulle/Etoile at 9:16 am
Châtelet-les-Halles, 9:22
Nation 9:28 *
Sucy-Bonneuil is in zone 4. Return ticket will be depending on your trip.
You can see:  http://www.ratp.fr/fr/ratp/c_20589/billet-origine-destination/
There is no possibility for "technical stop" (toilet) during the first 45 minutes of the  walk.
Just in case... I recommmand the train leaving 20 minutes before.
After the exit there is a café, there you could spend a penny or more (ah! ha!). It's a few meters to the right after the bridge.
Don't forget, The meeting point is place de la Gare.
Come with appropriate clothes, shoes, buble paper to seat on the benches... Not forgetting picnic and water. 

Remember that you need personal accident and liability insurance to participate in our hikes.

I'm looking forward to seeing you,

Daniel Perot 

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