St Cheron - Dourdan La Forêt - about 16 km or 20 km
We will hike from St Cheron to Dourdan through the nice village of Sermaise, elevation about 300m.There will be ups and downs, mostly through forests and fields.
It will be possible to do a shorter hike from either St Chéron or Sermaise.
Wear good footwear, bring snacks, enough water and your good spirits.
Getting there:
-Take train DEBA RER Line C to DOURDAN at 8.42 from St Michel Notre Dame, for instance, the train stops at Austerlitz 8.46 & Bibliothèque 8.50 arriving at St CHERON at 9h41, Zone 5. We'll travel in the last carriage, as usual.
On arrival, we shall meet on the square, city side, in front of the café.
- Return trains from Dourdan at 16:21,or 17:42… and from St Cheron at 17h47 or 17h47.
There is a café next to both train stations .
If you do not have a "Passe Navigo", or benefit from any discounted fares, buy a "Mobilis 5 zones"
See you on Wednesday,
NB: Meeting point is at the platform, those who wish to travel together usually sit in the rear car.
Advice to hikers / Conseils aux randonneurs:
Make sure that you are covered by a personal accident and liability insurance, that you are fit enough to do the walk, and have the proper equipment / Assurez-vous que vous êtes couvert par une assurance responsabilité civile, que vous avez la condition physique nécessaire pour faire la randonnée choisie et que vous avez l’équipement adapté.