23 April 2016

Two Walks for April 27

Hello Walkers,

Next Wednesday, April 27, we are lucky to have two hike options, a shorter one with Dominika Raveau to see the cherry blossoms in the Parc de Sceaux, and a longer one to the Abbey of Port Royal des Champs with Brigitte and Jean Paul Sadoulet. Remember, you need your own liability and accident insurance to participate in our walks.

First Domi's info:

As a short option for next Wednesday I propose a 10-12 km walk through four parks:
Vallée aux Loups, Parc de la Maison de Chateaubriand, Arboretum de Chatenay and Parc de Sceaux.
We'll see a Collection of bonsaï and have picnic under the flowering cherry trees,


I hope the weather will permit us to enjoy this beautiful place where you can admire cherry trees in pink and white bloom.

Arrival at ROBINSON at 09:58 Zone 3
The same train from DENFERT-ROCHEREAU at 9:40 .

At the Gare de Robinson walk to the head of the train then to the right and take the exit Av. Jules Guesde,
The meeting place will be on the top of the stairs.
Return on the RER B from the stations Croix de Berny or Parc de Sceaux (still zone 3), frequent trains to Paris.
There's an exhibition in the Château de Sceaux which may concern our walks : Paysages du romantisme à l'impressionnisme : Les environs de Paris.
I intend to see it after the walk and hope some of you will join me.
Tarif : 4€ / tarif réduit : 2.50€ (65 ans)

Bring your picnic lunch, water and be prepare to sitting on the carpet of petals. Poets are welcome!

Looking forward to seeing you

Dominique R.

my mobile 06 33 23 07 31


And now for Brigitte and Jean Paul's info:

Hello walking friends,

On Wednesday April 27, we will hike  in the department Yvelines. Here are some infos:
We will walk on the (famous) Jean Racine’s path to Port Royal des Champs and back by the Château de la Madeleine.

This is a 18 kms walk with only two hills. It will be a loop.
Travel info: Chatelet Les Halles, RER B (PIER) at 9:08 AM (at Denfert-Rochereau: 9:16; Bourg-La-Reine 9:23; Massy-Palaiseau 9:33) arriving at Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (terminus) at 9:56.
If possible, travel in the last car. Jean Paul and I will board the train at Bourg-La-Reine. Ticket zone 5.
Remember that it is a RER and it can be early (yes!) or late. Take the first one going to Saint Rémy-lès-Chevreuse.
Let’s start the walk at 10:00. There is no possibility for technical stop during the first 45 minutes of the  walk. There are trains every 15 minutes for those wanting to arrive earlier.  

No bail out. Come with appropriate clothes, shoes, not forgetting picnic, sweets and energy drinks.
We will  come back from Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, RER B. Train every 15 minutes. 
 Seek you on Wednesday.
Brigitte et Jean-Paul


Bonjour aux amis marcheurs,
Le mercredi 27 avril, nous marcherons dans le département des Yvelines. Ci dessous quelques infos:
Nous emprunterons le (célèbre) sentier Jean Racine en direction de Port Royal des Champs et retour via le Château de la Madeleine. C’est une balade de 18 km.
Chatelet Les Halles, RER B (PIER) à 9:08 AM (à Denfert-Rochereau: 9:16; Bourg-La-Reine 9:23; Massy-Palaiseau 9:33) arrivant à Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (terminus) à 9:56. Zone 5.

Si possible, montez dans le dernier wagon. Nous prendrons ce train à Bourg-La-Reine. 
Souvenez-vous que c’est un RER et qu’il peut être en avance (oui !) ou en retard. Prendre le premier qui va à Saint Rémy-lès-Chevreuse.

Nous commencerons la marche à 10:00. Pas d’arrêt technique possible pendant les premières 45 minutes de balade. Il y a un train toutes les 15 minutes pour ceux qui souhaitent arriver plus tôt. 
Circuit unique. Venez avec des vêtements adaptés, chaussures, sans oublier le pique-nique, de quoi vous couvrir et des boissons énergisantes...
Nous reviendrons à la gare de Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, RER B. Train toutes les 15 minutes. 
A mercredi 
Brigitte et Jean-Paul

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