06 May 2018

Hike for 9 May 2018

Gif sur Yvette - St Rémy   -   20 km -  No bail out

Dear Walkers,
this week we will hike south of the  beautiful Vallée de Chevreuse again because of the SNCF strike. 
We will walk at a steady pace to arrive early enough at the train station.
As usual, take a picnic lunch, bring enough water as it will be over 20°C in the sun, and of course, shoes and 
clothing adapted to the season.

Getting there:

RER B “PLAC” direction St Rémy les Chevreuses, at  Châtelet-Les Halles Station at 8.53  (next train 9.08), arrival at Gif sur Yvette at 9.36

We can catch the next trains in case of a problem with the first one. 

Return from St Rémy station  15:52, 16:07, 16:22… return ticket, full fare= 10.40€

I hope to see you there,


NB: Meeting point is at/on the platform, those who wish to travel together usually sit in the rear car. 

Advice to hikers / Conseils aux randonneurs:
Make sure that you are covered by a personal accident and liability insurance, that you are fit enough to do the walk, and have the proper equipment / Assurez-vous que vous êtes couvert par une assurance responsabilité civile, que vous avez la condition physique nécessaire pour faire la randonnée choisie et que vous avez l’équipement adapté.

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