08 December 2012

Wednesday 12 December: Saulx and Gravigny

The old station at Saulx les Chartreux
Here are the details of the walk Stuart Ellis will be leading 12 December:

Start: Lozère RER (B)
Finish: Gravigny Balizy RER (C) with option to extend (2km) to Petit Vaux
Distance: 17km (Gravigny Balizy) or 19km (Petit Vaux)
Terrain: Downhill and then flat! Cross-country section may be muddy!

This week's walk takes us from the Chevreuse valley crossing the plain to the east towards Longjumeau, following the Yvette river. From Lozère RER we descend to the Yvette and follow the well-maintained footpath which goes under the A10 and takes us to the Bassin de Saulx. There we'll walk around enjoying the wildlife before heading to Saulx les Chartreux where we will lunch in La Jonchère Park.

After lunch we follow the track of the old Arpajonais railway, stopping first at the old station. Unfortunately we are 75 years too late to catch the train to Paris! We end by walking through Balizy along the Rouilion stream which joins the Yvette near Gravigny Balizy RER. There is an option to continue another 2km along the banks of the Yvette to Petit Vaux.

Going out:
9.26 Chatelet Les Halles RER B (direction St. Remy)
**Meet up in last carriage**
arrive 9.57 Lozère (zone 4).

Getting back:
Gravigny Balizy (zone 4): trains depart for gare d'Austerlitz at '20, '35 and '50 minutes each hour

...or for the longer walk
Petit Vaux (zone 4): trains depart for gare d'Austerlitz at '23, '38 and '53 minutes each hour

Weather-wise anything but rain will be regarded as a blessing but come suitably clothed as usual. There's plenty to see and some surprises so hope to see you there!

Best Regards,

mobile: 06 19 85 25 56

Pont des Templiers on the Rouillon at Balizy

Wednesday 12 December at Saint Cloud

It seems the inclement weather did not discourage you hardy hikers last week. It doesn't appear that the weather will be much better this week, so get out your mufflers, bonnets and gloves and join us for another exhilarating walk. 

You have two choices. In addition to the walk that Stuart proposes, Prudence has offered to lead a "shortish" hike in the Parc de St. Cloud, just a hop, skip and jump from Paris. Pardon my old-fashioned expressions. 

Prudence will meet you at the Pont de Sevres stop (last stop) of Metro line 9 at 10.00. Come up at the exit marked Musée de Sevres where she will be waiting for you. The itinerary will take you across the bridge and into the Parc for a loop which will bring you back to the same metro station. 

Bring a picnic lunch, rain and snow protection, and your usual good humor.

Prudence's cell phone:
06 63 44 60 09 


02 December 2012

Wednesday 5 December: Nostalgia in the Forêt de Fontainebleau

Early winter scene in Fontainebleau Forest

This Wednesday we will return to the Forêt de Fontainebleau with François Bechet. Our walk, reminiscent of our walks with Ellen Vivet, will be a loop starting and ending at the Fontainebleau Avon station, about 12-15 km depending on the weather, and whether we decide to go among the rocks.

Departure : Gare de Lyon, train N°51815 à 9.19, direction Montargis, arriving  9.57 at Fontainebleau-Avon. Meet as usual at the tail end of the train at the gare de Lyon.

Return by the train at 15.00, unless we are late or decide to stop for a drink at the café. (Here’s looking at you, Ellen!) Trains every half hour for a 40 minute journey.

You will need the usual picnic lunch, sturdy hiking shoes and hiking poles might be a good idea on this terrain.

On the day of the walk only: mobile 06 09 41 14 66.

Bien amicalement,