25 September 2009

Wednesday 30 September at Dreux

Next Wednesday, September 30, Claude Faure will lead us on a 10 kilometer walk in and around the city of Dreux, located just west of the Eure River, which separates the departments of the Yvelines and the Eure-et-Loire.

In medieval times Dreux defended France from their powerful Norman neighbors to the west. On our walk we will learn about Dreux’s rich past as we explore it's many remarkable monuments. We will also walk outside the city, so this visit is not just a city tour.

Here is Claude’s information:

Ancienne place forte médiévale face aux puissants ducs de Normandie, la ville de Dreux a gardé de remarquables monuments comme l’église Saint Pierre du 13e siècle, le beffroi et l’hôtel Montulé du 16e siècle, la chapelle royale du 19e siècle.

Cette promenade d’environ 10 km à travers et autour de la ville nous permettra de découvrir ce riche passé.

Départ :
Gare Montparnasse 3 Vaugirard à 9h20 par le train 16513 en direction de Dreux pour une arrivée à 10h07 (12,90 € et 6,50 € pour les cartes sénior)

Retour :
A 15h38 par le train 16516 arrivant à 16h25 gare Montparnasse 3 Vaugirard

** Visite de la chapelle royale durée environ 1h coût 7,50 €
** Musée du vignoble drouaix (si nous avons le temps) coût 4 €.

Old medieval fortress defending the frontiers of "France" against the powerful dukes of Normandy, Dreux still has a number of remarkable monuments. Among them, the 13th-century church of Saint Pierre, a Renaissance bell tower, the 16th-century hôtel Montulé and the 19th-century Chapel Royal.

The walk, about 10 km in and around Dreux, will give us a good look at these riches. The tour of the Chapel Royal takes about an hour and costs 7.50 €. If we have time, a visit to the vineyard museum of Dreux will cost 4.00 €.

Gare Montparnasse 3 Vaugirard at 9:20 on train 16513 headed for Dreux, arriving 10:07. Allow extra time for the considerable walk from the main Montparnasse station to its Vaugirard annex.

Tickets are 12.90 € full price and 6.50 € with the Carte Sénior.

At 15:38 on train 16516, arriving 16:25 at Montparnasse Vaugirard

You will need a picnic lunch and the usual rain wear and walking shoes.

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