26 May 2013

two walks for May 29

We have two options for Wednesday, May 29: Le Jardin de Bagatelle and La Plaine de Versailles

Claude and Marcel Kohl will take us through the magnificent Jardin de Bagatelle.

Mercredi 29, c'est au parc de Bagatelle que vous êtes conviés avec Claude et Marcel Kohl.

Après avoir traversé le bois de Boulogne(sans s'attarder avec ses créatures), nous nous promènerons dans le parc et y pique-niquerons.

C'est l'époque des iris et des roses,mais cette année étant exceptionnelle, seront-ils fleuris? Suspense......

Le rendez-vous est metro de la Muette(ligne 9) à 9h30, et nous reviendrons à notre point de départ vers 15 ou 16h.

Nous espérons que vous êtes en forme,et que cette balade ne vous épuisera pas.

The meeting point is metro de la Muette(line 9) at 9.30 and we'll finish the walk in the early afternoon at the same place.

Hope to see both you and Phoebus



PS: le nom du lieu du RV(la Muette) n'a pas été choisi comme une invitation à respecter le silence,  puisque l'origine de ce nom est "la meute".

For our second option, Mary Lynne will lead us on the Plaine de Versailles, due west of the gardens of Versailles, an area of fields, prairies, streams, woods and charming villages which were formerly in the royal domain. Starting at the Gare de St. Nom la Breteche, we will walk briefly in the Foret de Marly to reach the town of St. Nom with its 12 c. church. From there we'll head out into the country towards the Ru (stream) de Gally along which we will walk to Villepreux (12 c. church, restored medieval half-timbered house). We will leave Villepreux on the former Allée Royale which in the time of Louis XIV was about 80 meters wide, bordered by a double row of elm trees, and was one of the five roads radiating from the Etoile Royale in the Versailles gardens. Now it is just a rural path. Our next stop will be in Rennmoulin with its 12 c. chapel (picnic spot), ancient fountain and lavoir. In Noisy le Roi we will take a five minute train ride back to the Gare de St. Nom.

Since we will reach the picnic spot around 13:30, we'll stop for a snack in Villepreux around 12:30.

Although we will avoid the muddiest part of the hike, you will still need waterproof, mud-resistant footwear. Bring a picnic lunch, water, sun/rain protection and your usual good humor.

Travel information:

Gare St Lazare, line L, train Pils, leaving 9:32, direction st. Nom La Breteche /Foret de Marly, arriving in St. Nom at 10:11. Meet at the end of the quai at St. Lazare. Mary Lynne will board the train in Garches or meet you at the station in St. Nom.

Return: trains from Noisy to St. Nom: 15:45, 16:15, 16:43. three to five minute ride to St. Nom

trains from St. Nom to Paris St. Lazare: 16:04, 16:36, 16:51

Mary Lynne's contact info: mlfich@yahoo.com        0670881859

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