Two walks for 13 July
-Shorter walk
Dear walkers,
As a short option for next Wednesday I propose an 11 km walk in a green area just a few km from Paris.
We will walk through the Vallée aux Loups, will continue through the Forêt de Verrières then on the Coulée Verte finishing the walk in the Parc de Sceaux. There will be some ups and downs but nothing difficult.
From CHATELET-LES HALLES take RER 'B' at 09h08 DIRECTION: ROBINSON, arriving at 09:34 in Robinson
The same train from DENFERT-ROCHEREAU at 9:16 - Zones 1 - 3 . 2.75 € full fare for one person
Meet up: rear car
At Gare de Robinson walk to the head of the train then to the right and take the exit Av. Jules Guesde,
The meeting place will be on the top of the stairs.
eturn to
PARIS: from the Gare de La Croix de Berny, RER 'B', Zone 3, frequent trains 2.75 € full fare for one person
Those who would like to walk 2 or 3 km more can take a train in Station Parc de Sceaux (still zone 3).
Please bring a picnic lunch, a lot of water and good will.
Remember that you need personal accident and liability insurance to participate in our hikes.
Looking forward to seeing you
Dominique R.
-Longer walk
Amis randonneurs, bonjour.
Cette semaine c'est "Pic-nique aux Rochers d'Angennes". Cette longue randonnée (25 km) nous fera profiter de la fraîcheur de la forêt de Rambouillet en passant par le parc du château et le petit massif gréseux des Rochers d'Angennes. Comme d'habitude, le rythme sera soutenu, pas de 'bail out' et il ne faudra pas oublier de prendre beaucoup d'eau et bien sur, chaussures et vêtements adaptés à la saison sans oublier votre bonne humeur.
Pour venir : Train au départ de Paris-Montparnasse à 9h06, arrivée à Rambouillet à 9h43 où je vous attendrai. Vous pouvez vous retrouver dans le dernier wagon pour faire le trajet ensemble. Retour par la même gare.
A bientôt.
Dear hiking friends,
This week is "Picnic at the "Rochers d'Angennes". For this long hike (25 km) we will enjoy the cool of the forest of Rambouillet, walking across the castle's park and the little sandstone massif of Rochers d'Angennes. As usual, the pace will be sustained, no 'bail out'. Do not forget to wear appropriate shoes and clothing, bring plenty of water (1.5L at least) along with your happy mood.
Getting there: Train from Paris-Montparnasse at 9:06, arrival at 9:43 in Rambouillet where I will wait for you. If you'd like to travel together, travel in the rear car of the train. Return from the same station.
Remember that you need personal accident and liability insurance to participate in our hikes.
See you soon.
L'homme sage est celui qui connaît ses limites.